First Travel Infographic I Published
I have been thinking about publishing a few infographics for a few weeks. Things keep coming up and I just couldn’t find the time to do it. Then about a month or so ago I bought a subscription to a website that allows one to create infographics. I didn’t opt for the expensive upgrade figuring I’d check out the cheap version first and see if it was worthwhile.
Two or three weeks ago I tried to create a really simple infographic, but spent so much time on it I eventually let it sit for almost a month figuring I’d get back to it any day. Well any day happened to be yesterday. I fiddled with it for an hour or more and gave up. Something simple I wanted to do it wouldn’t allow me to do. So I had to rely on a backup plan. That was a free version of a similar website service.
Both have some rather severe limitations in the inexpensive and the free service. However I did manage to create a simple one using’s free version. The good thing about that service is it let’s you have links within the infographic whereas the other one didn’t. The bad feature of both is the limited (about 500-600) number of images. Sounds like a lot, but not so. Most are variations of different symbols or icons.
My infographic is about travel tips and the common image of an airplane was missing. I tried to upload such an image, but the program didn’t let me, although they indicate you can have up to 10 images for the free version. In my case I originally uploaded 2 images. Then when I tried to upload a third image it wouldn’t let me. So I deleted one of the images thinking I could replace it with another different image, but that failed to solve the problem. It would not let me upload anymore images. So I was stuck with one image.
Here is my infographic V2.
Anyway to make a long story (about 15 hours of trial and error) I will be publishing it soon other than here. I will probably submit it to an infographic directory so it can get maximum exposure and a link back to my site. Such a link will be helpful in getting more traffic to my travel site.
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