Catching up on Reading Physics Books
Reading was my main spare-time (who has spare time?) activity since I like to read. I am way behind on reading and during the last month or so I ordered about 23 books. Most of them were for me, but a few were for Christmas presents.
Here are three of the books: New Worlds in the Cosmos, Life As We Do Not Know It, and Dark Cosmos in Search of Our Universe’s Missing Mass and Energy. All are about Space or astrophysics. Life As We Do Not Know It, by Peter Ward is about the NASA search for (and synthesis of) Alien Life.
In addition to reading physics books and being very interested in physics and space, these books, mostly on astrophysics, are to keep up with exploration of space (sort of) so I can keep my site up to date (I took down my site due to insufficient time to maintain it).
Another book “Physics of the Impossible” by Michio Kaku I reread for the second time. I read it once when it first came out some months ago, but wanted a refresher so I read the entire book again during a two day period.
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