Web Site Newbie – Save Money with these Tips
Presented by Charles L Harmon
If you are a newbie to the Web you need to be aware of many things that could cause you to spend unnecessary money or time. Your money can go a lot further if you don’t waste it on unnecessary or unwanted products that you can get either free or for a better price.
Here are a few tips that can save you money that beginners and newbies should keep in mind when considering things they need or what to spend money on.
Don’t subscribe to get rich quick schemes
There are thousands of sites out there trying to get you to part with your money, and inferring that you will immediately start reaping the rewards. Don’t be fooled by compelling one page sales letters, often with copies of bank statements, and invariably concluding with free gifts worth hundreds of dollars.
Often the letters are sprinkled with testimonials and attempt to close the sale by offering only a limited number left remaining for sale, or you are warned of an imminent price increase. Check some of them out. Make a note of the price and the suggested date the price will change. Does it really happen?
Check out some of the reference sites. Are they really sites of substance, in which you would place the utmost faith in their recommendations? Yes, you can make money, but is usually after the passage of time, and not without a good deal of effort.
Be Careful what information you pay for
There are thousands of publications offering, at a cost, to teach you how to bring about search engine optimization, rank highly with search engines or become an affiliate guru.
Keep your money in your pocket and seek similar advice for free. To emphasize my point about rogue web traders, I did a Google Advanced Search for exact matches to the title of one of those free SEO eBooks for newbies. At the top of the first page, ranking No. 1 out of 26,400 was a site offering to sell you that free book for $29.95.
Now just because information is available for free doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a bad idea to pay for information. Sometimes the free information is hard to find and paying for information can save you a lot of time versus spending hours or, even worse days, searching for the same information. I have spent days looking for various things on the Web and still had little luck finding them. Sometimes I found paying for the information I was looking for a bargain due to the time I saved looking for it.
Don’t pay too much for domain registration
There are thousands of sites offering to register domain names. Find a site that not only provides search facilities to see if your chosen domain name is already registered, but also provides alternative suggestions if it is. Don’t pay more than $10.00 as an annual registration fee. Make sure your hosting company allows access to nameservers so that you can transfer the domain name to a host of your choice.
If you look hard you can find some real bargains and sales for domain name registration. But don’t be fooled by them. Be careful because some of them make it so hard to cancel when after 1 year the price to renew jumps to astronomical levels.
Get yourself a suitable domain hosting company
There are some very important points here. To ensure minimum of downtime from your host do not join any of the free hosting sites. There is no such thing as a free lunch. Choose a site that offers to host an unlimited number of web sites for you. You should possibly consider one that offers an unlimited number of autoresponders, if you feel that you may need this facility in the future.
You might find that Hostgator compares favorably with anything else as far as web hosting goes. Make sure that you are comparing like with like when it comes to number of domains, web space, band width etc. when looking for hosting. My suggestion is to look for a hosting company that offers cpanel hosting such as Hostgator and others.
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